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Included Skeleton Instructions, with tips to capture all the magic of sitting or leaning

Instructions included with a typical store-bought skeleton, to help consumers achieve the magic of sitting or leaning.

What I appreciate about a simple Halloween skeleton is that it is a blank slate. With the right dressing, and articulation, a skeleton has the potential to effectively represent anyone. Add multiple ‘characters’ and you can stage an effective scene.


They’re the ultimate action figure.




















A skeleton tableau is an attention-grabbing decoration for your home, while showcasing your house as its dramatic backdrop. And it has the potential to tell passersby a little bit about the people inside. 


In coming up with a skeleton display for your home or business, the limit is our imagination. Satire, drama, action, romance. Political commentary, homages to films, musicians, or other artists. And yes, I suppose skeletons could even be used for horror.


And why limit the awesomeness of articulated skeletons to only October? 







Dios de los Muertos celebrations!


'Over-the-Hill' themed birthday parties!


Goth weddings!


Funerals for departed loved ones with a 
particular sense of humor!


That backyard screening of The Goonies or

Army of Darkness you've been meaning to host!


Send a message to your friends!


Send a message to your enemies!


Not sure how to ask out that special someone?
Why not have them wake up to a skeleton in their yard?


Sweet Sixteen Parties? You bet!


Corporate Events!


Wow them at the next shareholders meeting!


Yes, the practical applications for this service are near-limitless.


The Class Clown spikes the punch at the Prom in front of two disapproving chaperones
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